The abc,123 of Software Engineering

2013-02-08 09:57:38 +0000


Building Fillta - Express JS, NodeJS,WebSockets & Socket.IO - Thinking Realtime

2013-02-03 21:28:27 +0000

One of the things we've aimed for when Fillta was being designed is having everything as "real time" as possible. And before I go any further, let me define what is meant by "real time" in this context. I often see people use the term lightly for things that I'd never consider to be real time.

Privacy: If Google, the great illusionist wanted to get you...

2013-02-02 16:30:18 +0000

We all know and love? Google, don't we? They are great, they're so pervasive now they just blend into the background. The services they offer, the great tools, the free products their research (Hadoop & Cassandra thanks you)...

Windows 8: My First impression

2013-02-01 23:39:10 +0000

Windows 8 (W8), MicroSoft's (MS) new flagship OS. I've been wanting to get one of those new "transforming" laptops since the first CES event that showed them off! I resisted, wanted to wait until prices go down, glitches were worked out etc etc... However, I picked up a new SSD (Its pretty sweet, highly recommend the upgrade) and had a copy of W8 just sitting there. The Transfer kit I got with the SSD refused to do what I wanted and in the end I just said, "meh, why not?" and installed W8.<!-- more -->

My Informal CV and a note to recruiters.

2013-01-11 00:15:27 +0000

This didn't turn out as planned. Started as what was suppose to be a note to recruiters and a small summary of things I like to help them decide if I would like a job or not but by the end of it I'd ranted about far too many things but I'm leaving it as is...already took the time to write it so why not.

AngularJS - Communicate between controllers, services and directives

2013-01-09 02:45:50 +0000

This solution uses JQuery. I already include JQuery in the page so why not use it. If you need a non-JQuery solution here are a few links:

Install HAProxy on Windows (Cygwin) - Good for testing

2012-09-29 19:07:59 +0100

I've been developing an App for most of the summer. It's using a few backend services so in production I use HAProxy in front of them.

Learning Algorithms with "Introduction to Algorithms"

2012-09-21 11:21:44 +0100

I've been reading "Introduction to algorithms, third edition" (on Lorenzo's recommendation), its a massive book but I'm making my way through it. A bit pricey but definitely worth it, and would recommend it to anyone who has an interest in algorithms. While going through the first few chapters I realised I was lacking on some of the mathematics required, thankfully the appendix covers the math you need. I've decided to do a series of posts on the stuff in the appendix to help me remember it all and hopefully help others as well. I'll try to be as accurate as possible but I'm learning this as I go along so it wouldn't be a bad idea to double check that I am in fact doing things right.<!-- more -->

Building RPMs on Windows

2012-09-11 03:14:48 +0100

I finally got tired of build RPMs in a VM. Its ridiculously slow because its done on a shared Windows partition. I started looking around to see if it was possible, all indications where that it hasn't really been done... I found a few Java libraries that allows you to manipulate RPM files but using them would require writing a maven plugin before I can get anything done... Have a look at and to see what if they're useful for you...

A leave of absence.... not really.

2012-05-05 19:55:57 +0100

Hello all,