Install HAProxy on Windows (Cygwin) - Good for testing
I've been developing an App for most of the summer. It's using a few backend services so in production I use HAProxy in front of them.
The latest service uses and Node.JS, I couldn't get it going because the local web server runs on a different port than the Node JS server (naturally). Due to the "Same origin policy" JS needs to run on the same port (and host). So I installed HAProxy to mimic how everything would run in Prod.
<!-- more -->First thing first - Using the Cygwin setup.exe install GCC and G++
Download HaProxy
Next extract the HaProxy archive you downloaded, I was in my home directory (/home/courtney).
Go into the extracted folder
javascriptcd haproxy.x.y.z
Where .x.y.z was the version number. Now compile:
make TARGET=linux28
If no error occurred then install
make install
Once installed you need a HaProxy Config file. I'm using 1.4 so docs are here: . You should have a look here to find your specific version of the docs.
Once you have a HaProxy config file fire up the process using:
javascript/usr/local/sbin/haproxy.exe -f haproxy.cfg
If like me you're using Node or whatever else (WebSockety) with HaProxy then a good place to start is
This post is short and shody but its more of a reference for me in the future I'll probably have to do it again.