AngularJS: Building completely asynchronous and autonomous single page user interfaces (Part 2)

2013-05-30 14:27:28 +0100

AngularJS: Building completely asynchronous and autonomous single page user interfaces (Part 1)

2013-05-28 22:56:46 +0100

Securing a Linux (Centos) VPS in 10 minutes

2013-05-27 14:08:18 +0100

So, first thing's first. You've got your shiny new VPS like I have. The fact you're reading this means like me you won't allow root to ssh into it. This is good! I'm writing this because I seem to be repeating these steps quite a lot (well, once or twice every couple months) so to make sure I don't miss a step I'm writing it up to both help me and others who might need it.<!-- more -->

Fillta, from idea to Alpha 2 & the long road ahead

2013-05-27 03:42:00 +0100

Information overload : Acknowledging and understanding we have a problem

2013-05-27 02:28:18 +0100

Install/Configure NVideo (with optimus) on Ubuntu

2013-05-23 13:21:04 +0100

So you got your shiny new laptop with a decent card and wouldn't you know's not working properly or it's performance is shoddy at best. After having to re-install Ubuntu 3 times I've decided to write a quick post with the commands I used to get my battery to go from 20 mins to 3hrs...yes, that's how much difference it makes!<!-- more -->

Fillta Alpha 2 - June 4th

2013-05-16 23:26:01 +0100

The tick box education system

2013-04-16 16:02:00 +0100

I'm sat here, the last day, the dissertation for by undergraduate bachelors due at midnight...about 7.5hrs from now.

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2013-03-31 15:46:14 +0100

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2013-02-13 22:08:04 +0000