Install/Configure NVideo (with optimus) on Ubuntu
So you got your shiny new laptop with a decent card and wouldn't you know's not working properly or it's performance is shoddy at best. After having to re-install Ubuntu 3 times I've decided to write a quick post with the commands I used to get my battery to go from 20 mins to 3hrs...yes, that's how much difference it makes!<!-- more -->
First thing you need is BumbleBee. Install it with
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bumblebee/stable
sudo apt-get update
Install Bumblebee using the default proprietary nvidia driver:sudo apt-get install bumblebee bumblebee-nvidia virtualgl linux-headers-generic
There is a little power management tool under the bumblebee project, install it with
sudo apt-get install acpidump iasl dmidecode
Once installed the graphics card still shows up as "unknown" in settings so to get it identified you need to install messa-utils with.
- sudo apt-get install messa-utils
Now reboot, enjoy your battery life and glorious HD screen (if you have one :D)
Quick and painless when you know...pain in the rear when you don't...