Cassandra Query Language (CQL) v1.0.0 (UPDATED)
NOTE: CQL V2 reference is available here
Finally back...
I've been out for over a month. Exams all through May, birthday June 4th and a decent holiday break in a few days...
Implementing the Bubble sort algorithm in J2ME
A friend asked me two days ago how to implement a sort algorithm on J2ME... Never used the J2ME API but I thought, hey, can't be that bad right. I must say, after seeing the primitive nature of J2ME I don't think I would or even could do mobile dev. with that API. It'd drive me insane. In any case, I figured out a quick way of sorting an array of names in alphabetical order...<!-- more -->
Cassandra London Meet up and my introduction to CQL talk
I was given the opportunity to do a talk on the up coming CQL feature in Cassandra at the recent meet up. While it wasn't highly comprehensive I thought it went well, it was a very gentle intro to CQL which basically goes over the V1.0.0 syntax and usage... I post the full CQL V1 specification previously.
Hypnotic photo
I was looking a Lorenzo's slides (slide 50) and found a very interesting and hypnotic photo. I stole it from his slides and made it into my desktop wall paper, I really like the effects this image has on the eyes... Making a flat 2D image seem so 3D without all the fancy this and that. So without further ado:
Apache Cassandra + PHPcassa + Code Igniter = large scale PHP app in 5 minutes
I'm working on a new project, migrating an existing site using custom code with a very monolithic design on top of MySQL.
Cassandra Query Language AKA CQL syntax
NOTE: CQL V2 reference is available here
Migrating from self-hosted to hosted wordpress
Been a while since I posted an entry, I thought I'd do one today after my little migration.
My NoSQL presentation to my lecturers!
It's been a mission in the making but this Thursday I finally get to do my NoSQL presentation to some of my lecturers, and I can't wait!!!
Frustrating times...
For a blog I haven't ranted much have I? Had the most ridiculous weeks ever... A tonne, tonne of work